Faculty Adviser Resources

Running The Chapter
Checklist and Procedures

Welcome New Advisers

This is a Chapter Resource for a Everything DMD


Thank you for accepting the position of chapter Faculty Adviser. We will endeavor to make the process as easy as possible.

And thank you for sending us your contact information. We have added you to our data base and our contact list.

A Faculty Adviser’s Certificate and a Letter of Appointment within a Welcome Kit will be sent to you shortly.

The faculty adviser is the conduit between the Governing Chapter (represented by Central Office) and your institution.  You may be the voting representative at our Society Conferences and the first point of communication with Central Office.  Our welcome letter will remind you of the Regional Representative for your school.  This person sits on our Board and votes on all Society issues.

If not a new chapter, then first and foremost, did you receive custody of the chapter’s past records, or do you know who has them?  This is very important for continuity of operation.

Second, do you have access to the chapter’s funds?  Whether at a school account or a separate institution account, please determine if the balance is consistent with chapter records.

If a new chapter, then you will be receiving the FEIN assigned by IRS to your chapter along with a Letter of Authority to assist in opening financial accounts. A bank will require your personal ID plus our Letter of Appointment and our Letter of Authority package. Call Central Office if you need any/all of this.

If an existing chapter, ask Central Office for the status of the chapter – is it in arrears for reports, monies, or bylaws?  We will be happy to research and report our findings to you.  Receipt of reports and payment of monies is necessary to keep the chapter in Good Standing.  Otherwise, no orders can be accepted nor credit extended to the chapter.

Ask various sources (prior/current chapter officers, department and/or dean’s support staffers) “Does the chapter usually conduct a Fall induction, Spring induction, both, or is it on a non-traditional schedule.”  Central Office can help with prior practice.

You have found this site.  Bookmark it and use it as a primary resource. To avoid spamming, place dmd@deltamudelta.org in your address book.   Put our toll-free number in your Rolodex (see Contact Us, above) and note our hours of availability in reference to your time zone.

To familiarize yourself with the calendar year of a Faculty Adviser, please read our Checklist and Procedures so you will know exactly what process you are expected to oversee. Also review the entire list of questions in the FAQ to see what issues might be answered immediately.

Are there DMD posters visible in the business school?  They are free on the Chapter Supply Order Form.  Is there a significant awareness of the honor implied in joining the Society?  Let us help through discussions.

If you are not already a DMD member, you must include yourself as an Honorary member at the next chapters induction ceremony.

Consult the Chapter Guide for additional details.

Running the Chapter

Part of the challenge is to attract and retain students who are actually willing to serve their chapter – and then to keep them motivated.

Running the Chapter

An essential part of the induction ceremony for an incoming member is taking the oath to serve the Society and to support “those who follow me.” Taken seriously, this means a sense of responsibility to insure continuity for the next group of students. When a student seeks to add an officer position to his/her resume, it is important that they understand each position carries a responsibility.

Some suggestions for roles that have worked for other faculty advisers – certainly not the only way to get the job done!

President – assists with keeping the officers motivated; with conforming to whatever schedule is appropriate for chapter operation; with assuring that each graduating officer find a suitable junior to serve in their position next year.

Vice President – usually assigned to function as the chair of any chapter activities – at least the induction ceremony.

Treasurer – keeps track of the incoming memberships; retains copies of new-member payments; assures prompt payment to Central Office for all items ordered; completes the chapter’s Financial Statement before leaving the campus in Spring.

Secretary – keeps track of the chapter’s records; creates & retains minutes of meetings; retains copies of membership profile forms; handles chapter correspondence; completes the Annual Report for the chapter before leaving the campus in Spring.

Faculty Adviser – works with the school’s administration; attests to the eligibility of memberships ordered from National; monitors the chapter for compliance to their bylaws; is the conduit of communications with Central Office.

None of the above needs to be placed into the chapter bylaws. But, it would be useful to have a procedures handbook or operations manual with officer positions and duties described.

It is possible for an administrative support staffer to serve as a chapter officer. For some chapters, the faculty adviser also serves as the chapter treasurer.

It is ideal if the department or business school secretary is assigned to assist the faculty adviser when backing up the chapter officers.

Checklist and Procedures

Here is a checklist with explanation to assist as a guide through the process of directing the officers of your chapter during the school year.

Activity chapters will have their own schedules; the following is structured for recognition chapters which can have as few as two meetings per year, including the induction ceremony. They may have Spring & Fall inductions or even more frequently for non-traditional schools.

Annual Report & Financial Statement

If chapter reports haven’t been filed for the fiscal year ending 06/30, they are overdue after September 30th. The chapter may not place orders or induct new members until the reports are filed and any outstanding accounts receivable items are paid. So, the first order of the day is to complete the reports and send them in. If you are new to the chapter or do not know your chapter’s status, send a query to CENTRAL OFFICE and introduce yourself! You’ll find the Annual Report and Financial Statement in downloadable Word.doc format below on this page.

Once completed, send an email to dmd@deltamudelta.org and attach both forms [digital signatures desired].

Are your Chapter Bylaws available and dated after October, 2002? We need to be assured that you are inducting under the current National GPA rules. Go to FORMS and download the Sample Chapter Bylaws. Save the file before filling in the blanks. Or, contact CENTRAL OFFICE and ask us to send you a PDF of your chapter’s bylaws on file [and approved by National]. If necessary, review it for any changes in what the chapter is doing.

Ordering Chapter Supplies

Chapters in Good Standing can visit our online store to purchase merchandise, regalia, program covers and other chapter items for induction ceremonies from Award Concepts. Payment is due at time of purchase and can be paid via charge card online. Please allow 2-4 weeks for shipping. Visit https://acgreek.com/deltamudelta.

To Be Updated

Determine your induction date – meet with Registrar – quantify eligible students

Timing of the induction – when you are identifying the number of eligible students with your Registrar, decide how the students will be invited.Provide a list of students school emails to Central Office so that we may add them to the online registration system before you send out the invitations. Payment for registration will be collected online. Allow 3-8 weeks in advance of the induction ceremony depending on how you will correspond with the students. To clarify the selection criteria as specified in the national bylaws [except that your chapter may have higher GPA’s to comply with the upper 20% rule] see the provided order of filters for a data query, CRITERIA.

Selecting Qualified Students

Although you work with the Registrar’s office to obtain lists of students sorted by GPA, the amount of work can be greatly simplified if your administrative system supports some form of a query language. Still, it can be complex. Here is an example.


The following is a guide to assist the Faculty Adviser and Registrar in qualifying students for membership while complying with National and Chapter Bylaws:

The culling process for inviting students can be fairly complex for a given College or University.

If a chapter inducts undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate students, the query should consist of separate steps for each: one for Juniors, one for Seniors, one for Graduate students and one for Doctorate students..

  1. Define the size of each class of business students. Juniors to Juniors, Seniors to Seniors, and those graduate and doctorate students who have completed one-half of the course work.
  2. Determine the cut-off GPA for each class to stay within their upper 20%.
  3. Eliminate any that might fall below the Society minimums of 3.25 for undergrads and 3.60 for graduate and doctoral students. Apply the GPA defined by the chapter’s bylaws, if higher than the Society minimums.
  4. Eliminate any with less than 24 hours {or equivalent} of residency.
  5. Eliminate any who are already DMD members.

While this is comprehensive, it will be thorough.

Your invitation letter can eliminate existing members with graceful wording. Or, the requested mailing labels could be manually culled to remove existing members. Ideally, the member’s school record has been tagged to identify DMD membership and the tag can be exempted during the selection.

There can be exceptions to the residency requirement – where the transfer credits were earned at a school having a DMD chapter or which has 4-year ACBSP accreditation. This would likely have to be handled on a case-by-case basis.

How to go about inviting students

After going through the selection process and generating your list of eligible students, we ask that you provide this list in the form of a one column CSV file of email addresses to the Central office along with the date of your induction ceremony. From here, Central Office will reach out to make sure that all of the steps for the upcoming induction session (dates, regalia needs, payment and settings) are set as needed to make the process as simple as possible.

Once this setup is complete, you will be responsible for sending out an email to the students inviting them to follow the instructions in the letter to join. There is a sample INDUCTION Letter in the FORMS list below. We recommend sending this invitation out at the beginning and midway through the invitation timeline.

Online Registration

Delta Mu Delta inducts all its members via our online registration system.


Registration by Membership Data Entry

Please take a moment to read the instructions (tab 1) fully before completing the data portion (tab 2) of the form.  NOTE: All fields must be completed in order to allow for the order to process in an efficient manner, failure to do so will result in a delay beyond our control. What is placed on this spreadsheet is what will be printed on the certificate, please review all information before submission.

The information provided on this document is used to create the membership certificate and submitted to our Member Benefit partners for distribution of their programs materials.  Delta Mu Delta DOES NOT sell our members information.

Options for ordering Graduation Regalia

Chapters in Good Standing can visit our online store to purchase merchandise, regalia, program covers and other chapter items for induction ceremonies from Award Concepts. Payment is due at time of purchase and can be paid via charge card online. Please allow 2-4 weeks for shipping. Visit https://acgreek.com/deltamudelta.

Payment Information

Payments for online orders made by your chapter and memberships, paid by either the incoming member or the chapter, are processed through Authorize.net and paid directly to Award Concepts for processing of your order. Delta Mu Delta does not have an accounts receivable department. All payments whether paid online through credit card or paid by check will be made out to Award Concepts.

Shipping Information you need to know to plan correctly

All membership kits and orders are processed through our third-party fulfillment service, Award Concepts. They ship all orders out via FedEx, UPS or USPS depending on needs and timing.

When planning your next induction ceremony, please allow a minimum of 2-3 weeks for processing and shipping of orders. During busy season, April – June, please allow 4-6 weeks. We understand that sometimes a rush shipment may be necessary. We will work to accommodate your needs as these situations arise. Please reach out to Central Office to convey your needs so we can see how best to help.

Thank you for all that you do to support our Society.

Forms and Downloadables

This will always be your source for the most up to date forms and documents. Please make sure to bookmark this page.