Chapter Award Programs

Star Chapter Award Program

New! Choices in selected criteria and a financial incentive to the chapters!

The Star Chapter Awards provide recognition to all chapters that meet or exceed Society standards for chapter operation and administration. Eligibility will be decided by data from annual reports and Central Office records.

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A. J. Jablonsky Outstanding Chapter Award Program

The Anthony J. Jablonsky Outstanding Chapter Award, referred to hereafter as the Jablonsky Award, is named to honor a past Society president, past chair of the Advisory Board, and for nearly fifty years an active supporter of Delta Mu Delta at the chapter and Society levels. The Jablonsky Award was presented to the chapter that not only exceeds Society standards, but has developed outstanding programs to provide additional service to members and has developed creative ways to further chapter growth, development, and visibility.

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R. L. Sosnowski Outstanding Faculty Adviser Award Program

Delta Mu Delta Faculty Advisers often perform their vital service with little recognition. National understands the need to honor such outstanding contributions with a separate award. Determination will be made by the Honors and Awards Committee. The board designated the following award to recognize the dedicated work and commitment of Rich Sosnowski to the mission of Delta Mu Delta. The purpose of the award was to recognize faculty advisers that have demonstrated the same dedication and commitment to the sustained development of their institution’s DMD chapter.

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