DeSales University DMD Inductees 2016

The Division of Business congratulates and recognizes these outstanding business students on their induction into Delta Mu Delta, the international honor society in business.  The Kappa Xi Chapter induction was held 3/15/16 in the Gambet Center Auditorium.


       ACCESS            MBA                        Undergraduate
Lee Ann M. Cardona Valerie J. Applegate  Michael J. Bamundo     Erin K. Mosier
Erica L. Cervantes Noam T. Chasan Christopher R. Costanzo Sean G. Palen
William R. Gonzalez Peter A. Frank Francesca M. D’Annibale John M. Pellosie
Virginia A. Gortych-Barnes Emily Gallagher Theresa C. Raso
Jason L. Laurens Brian W. Laird Amanda L. Setzer
Patricia A. Werner                          Mark R. Wessel


Kappa XI Officers 2015 – 2016                                                Kappa XI Officers 2016 – 2017                                                        

President:  Andrew Blaise ’16                                                  President:  Mark Wessel ’17

Vice Presidents:   Nicole Guznay ’16 &                                  Vice President:   Francesca D’Annibale ’17

Patrick Romaglia ’16                                  Secretary:  Theresa Raso ’17

Secretary:  Danielle Rivas ’16                                                  Treasurer:   Emily Gallagher ’17

Treasurer:   Kimberly Karpinski ’15


Advisors:  Mr. Bradley Barnhorst &  Dr. Amy Scott