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HPU Inducts 41 New Members into Delta Mu Delta Honor Society

HPU Inducts 41 New Members into Delta Mu Delta Honor Society

On Friday, May 5, 2023, HPU held an induction ceremony for Delta Mu Delta, an international honor society in business. The ceremony convened at HPU’s Aloha Tower Marketplace, where 41 HPU business students were inducted into the honor society. HPU Dean of the College of Business Mark Rosenbaum, Ph.D., presented the initiation of the new…

Nu Phi Chapter Inducts New Members into Delta Mu Delta Honor Society

Nu Phi Chapter Inducts New Members into Delta Mu Delta Honor Society

On April 25, 2023, the Nu Phi Chapter of Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society in Business inducted 3 new members. The induction ceremony was held on the campus of Keiser University/Tallahassee, Florida. Members pictured above are: left to right, Dr. Lona Ford, (Honorary Member), Amanda House, Dr. Marie Mattox, Faculty Advisor, Recha Evans, and…

Iota Kappa Chapter of Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society in Business inducted 14 new members

Iota Kappa Chapter of Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society in Business inducted 14 new members

Iota Kappa Chapter of Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society in Business inducted 14 new members on April 11, 2023.  The induction ceremony was conducted by the current chapter officers at the Business Education Building on the campus of Mississippi Valley State University in Itta Bena, Mississippi.  Chapter officers for the 2022-2023 school term were Chanelle Houston, President;…

“My first thought was, who am I to teach?”

– Mary Kate McDevitt, Skillshare teacher with 50,000 students