Members and Growing
Do you have an ACBSP accredited business program…
Join Delta Mu Delta!
Below are the steps to setting up your own Delta Mu Delta Chapter or Co-Chapter

ACBSP Accredited
Step 1
Before filling out the documents below, please confirm that your business program is accredited through ACBSP. The link below will take you to a members list at ACBSP. Once you have confirmed your program is on the list, please continue on in the process.

Step 2
The next step is to Petition the Board of Directors for a chapter. A sample of this petition is linked below. The petition must be submitted on university letterhead and signed by the University President, the head of the business unit and as many other faculty as desired. It must include contact information. The Governing Chapter will charge a fee of $700.00 (U.S.) to a newly accredited institution petitioning for a charter. This fee includes four free memberships within the first year. Once received, Central Office will assign and provide you your Greek Name to be used in the next step.

Step 3
Structure your chapter bylaws based on the standard chapter bylaws template provided below. The chapter’s standards may be more strict than the model, but not less so. File the chapter’s proposed bylaws with the Central Office. Chapters must have on file at Central Office a completed and signed copy of the chapter bylaws, which will have to be approved by the Executive Director or Board of Directors. It is recommended that the approved version be posted somewhere online for transparency to the student body.

Contact Information
Step 4
Identify faculty members to coordinate chapter establishment and provide full contact information to Central Office. This can be done with the help of the form linked below. These individuals usually become the DMD Faculty Adviser and Co-Adviser. The primary adviser is the one that the students will be reaching out to for assistance. All other advisers will then share the title of Co-Advisor.

Submit Your Chapters Documentation
Step 5
Please submit all documents listed above to Delta Mu Delta Central Office electronically. Please email all of the documentation to

Step 6
Once we received the petition and fee, your chapter contacts and bylaws, a final review will be done of the request. Once approved, the Central Office will create the charter and add your chapter to the website and chapter map. Your next step will involve setting a tentative date and location for the chapter installation (and induction ceremony if holding in tandem) in coordination with your Regional Representative who will serve as the chapter installation officer. If the Regional Rep cannot attend, another national officer will install your Delta Mu Delta Chapter.