Q:What if my school is not accredited by ACBSP? Or, is not a 4-year school?


Speak with your Dean of the business program.   Either a 4-year or 2-year school may have the business program accredited by ACBSP – your institution may already be a member or in candidacy (in the process of accreditation) with ACBSP.

If your school is regionally or state accredited, contact Sigma Beta Delta.
If your school IS accredited by ACBSP, but a 2-year school, contact Kappa Beta Delta.

Q:How can I start a DMD Chapter?


Before you can apply for a DMD chapter your school’s 4-year business program must be accredited by ACBSP.   For more information, visit their web site at: www.acbsp.org

Q:What is the membership process?


Inductions of new members take place at a school ceremony under the authorization and guidance of the chapter’s Faculty Adviser. No members are directly admitted by the Society Central Office.

Q:How do I apply for membership?


To become a member there must be an active chapter of Delta Mu Delta Honor Society, DMD, on your campus. At the top left there is a button of “DMD Chapters” showing our member institutions.  You may enter the name of your school or city & state.

If you have a chapter, contact your campus DMD Faculty Adviser. If you do not know who the Faculty Adviser is, check the school’s web site. If that doesn’t work, use the “Contact Us” button above.